Friday, March 29, 2013

The Night Sky by E.K. Eonia

The Night Sky: A Series of Short Stories

The Night Sky: A Series of Short Stories

Author:E.K. Eonia

The Night Sky is a series of nine short stories inspired by star gazing and some of the visible stars and constellation in the night sky. Each story weaves into its unraveling a particular star or constellation that captures a part of the essence of that short story. Traveling all over the globe to places like South Africa, the United Kingdom, Bulgaria, Hawaii, Japan, North America, Ireland and Iceland, each story captures a series of moments in time reflecting the variety and diversity that exists across the world as reflected by the expansive reach of the Night Sky. With tales of family, love, death, hope and optimism, spanning different times, spaces and expectations each story weaves itself into the canvass that is the Night Sky. This collection is positive, uplifting, humorous and above all human.

What I liked:
Amazingly written. Every time a new story I started I felt I don't want to let go of the previous one but somehow the other one was nearly just as good.
This book consists of few stories from nearly every kind of perspective. I have to say that I have a few favorite of mine.
Orion - the first story. And the best in my opinion. Written in unbelievable way, witty, funny, unbearably cute and romantic. It's very beautiful and feels very natural. It could be made in a short 10 minute movie and I would love to watch it when I am feeling down. It's pretty much a story about love at first sight.
"She walked in, sat down, I was fucked." You just gotta love Phinn. The way he acts is just unbelievable. 
Sirius- At first I didn't realize that this story was written from a point of a dog. I really thought that she was a girl. I loved the HP reference because I am desperately in love with HP.
I love the quirky and actually human way of how the dog's thinking was described. I liked that she declared the flower beds safe. That was just cute.
Seven Sisters- A touching story of an old woman waiting for her end. Yet she seems so full of energy. And I just loved the names of the birds.

What I didn't like:
Some stories were a a bit confusing for me.  But otherwise I don't know what else I should not like. Wait. I know. I don not like that this book has so little recognition. It is better than it seems. 

It was quite a quick read. Took me about an hour. This book is ideal for moments when you want to relax and when you do not seek adventure. Finding a way, clash of cultures, counting stars, family or carrier, couple's decisions, love at first sight, waiting for an end, protecting what you love and taking pride in what you have done.
All I can say is that I am glad that I read this book.

If you are interested in reading, here is the link:

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